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EMSCHERGENOSSENSCHAFT and LIPPEVERBAND (hereinafter designated as “EG/LV”) make all efforts to ensure that the information and data shown on their website are true and correct. However, any liability or guarantee for the currency, accuracy and completeness of the information and data provided is excluded. The simple use of this website does not establish any contractual relationship between the user and EG/LV. The content of this website is used at one’s own risk. EG/LV reserve the right to change or amend the information or data provided without any prior notice. This also applies to all other websites which are either referenced or can be accessed by means of a link. EG/LV are also not responsible for the content of any such websites that are reached by such a link.
EG/LV shall not be liable for any third party actions. EG/LV do not accept any warranty or liability for the availability or trouble-free operation of the services offered in connection with their web pages. Nor do EG/LV accept any responsibility or liability with regard to the services offered by third parties in connection with their web pages meeting the statutory requirements and regulations. The content of the external links was checked by EG/LV when these were first set up. At that point in time no infringements of the law were apparent. However, it is not possible to check external contents on a continuous basis, so that EG/LV cannot accept any liability for the current and future design of linked websites and their content. If you identify an infringement of the law, please report this immediately. The corresponding links will then be deleted.
The website of EG/LV comprises cooperation activities with various different service providers. Via their own website, EG/LV enable users to access sites provided by partner companies or third parties. Users of the EG/LV website enter into a contractual relationship with the respective service provider when using services offered by such service providers, which will then be subject to the corresponding terms of contract established by the service provider. The legal and content responsibility for the services offered on the websites provided by partner companies or third parties rests solely with the respective providers whose websites can be called up via the Internet sites of EG/LV. When using the services of a service provider, contractual relationships are established exclusively with the respective provider and user in accordance with the terms applicable to this contractual relationship.
The content of the EG/LV website is protected by copyright. The duplication of information or data and in particular the use of texts, parts of texts, photographic and image materials or graphics, requires prior approval in writing by EG/LV. The text, image and graphics materials expressly offered under the protected menu item “Press” is excepted from the above.
All information or data, their use and the registration for / log-in to the EG/LV website as well as all things done, tolerated or omitted in connection with the website are exclusively subject to German law. The place of jurisdiction is Essen.